Monday, December 29, 2008

constructing kitchenette.

br abis construct kitchenette.

lga gle da abis.

this time kne bwat human-sized multi use kitchenette.

group work (nseb baik klu x cnfrm xjd rupe kitchenette).

our group consist of me, anis, aideel n akram.

ni la rupe kitchenette kitorg.

keadaan studio lps hbs construction. zul kelihatan sgt gembira. (time ni nga cr brg2 yg da hilang disebalik board2 yg bersepah)

we have to construct the kitchenette by using corrugated boards.

da la board smpai lmbt.

xckup lak tuh utk studio kitorg.

pas2 some of us kne la g cr board2 terpakai kat luar.(sedih gle ouh).

kitorg ade 2 hari jek nk siapkn.

sab2 n ahad. ari isnn presentation.

bwat punye bwat 2 mlm la xtdo.

time pg isnn tuh kitorg da glabah.

sbb kitchenette groupkuh blm berdiri lg.

tinggal beberape jam lg jek nk siapkn.

dgn semangat waja dan hati yg tabah lg sabar, kitorg berjaya gak dirikn.

just in time jek.

pas2 trus g AMF nk start presentation.

dgn xmndi lg.

slambe jek.

kitorg xmndi org lain pown xmndi. lek arh.

tgk kitchenette org lain (senior punye especially) bpk arh lawa.

xpe kitorg punye pown ape kurgnye kn.

wlupown terpakse potong kaki die sbb tibe2 xfit nk psg blk.

lantak la.

nseb baik krusi die tuh kitorg bwat blk tuka design.

klu x mmg xstabil.

time nga present bro zul dgn bangge dan sng hati ketuk2 kitorg nye kitchenette.

fuhh nseb baik x jatuh. kukuh la gak.

pas2 da abis presentation, kitorg trus bkumpul.

bro zul n miss liza nk kasi briefing utk next project lak.

blm habis pnt lg.

nseb baik aideel blanje kitorg roti n air sekotak.

kitorg mmg lapar n haus yg teramat sgt.

then aku n anis g english writing class (dgn sluar track, tshirt n xmndi).

nseb mdm raja zarina bertimbang rasa kasi kitorg sign attendance n blk.

yela sume nmpk cm zombie jek dtg class.

tp kitorg punye journey arituh blm abis lg.

aku g teman anis amek hailer (yeke eja cmni? ala mende yg utk ckp kuat tuh).

then ingt nk g amek mounting board kat akram nk trus siapkn presentation board.

tp die tdo rupenye.

pnt jek kitorg jd jaga kat dpn ABC tuh. da la hujan.

pas2 kitorg pown blk la bilik.

trus tdo xsdrkn dri.

dlm nk dkt kul 7 fellow msk blk kitorg.

nga ngantuk n mamai xbrape nk sdr ape yg berlaku tetibe fellow tuh sound kitorg.

sbbnye kitorg xanta outing card.

"blablabla klu x anta by tomorrow nti u all kne compound blabla 1st thing in the morning blabla last warning blablabla"

2 la sedikit sebanyak yg aku dgr. pas2 die pown kluar.

aku pown g solat n mndi then sambung tdo blk.

tup tup kul 12 br bgn.

"hah? da pkul 12? laparnye."

blm mkn lg nih.

td mkn roti yg aideel kasi 2 jela.

then aku n anis pown truskn perjuangan bwat presentation board.

then br aku teringt.

"alamak esok exam IBE! aku xstudy lg!"

dgn cemas + semangat yg berkobar2 aku pown bukak laptop tgk blk nota2 IBE.

bacela skali lalu.

"blh ingt ke sume nih? lantak la jnji aku bce jek sume"

dlm pkul 3.30 a.m aku tgk anis pown da lena.

"aik da tdo da ingtkn nga study gak."

xpe aku pown truskn perjuangan smpai kul 4.

ni senior2 yg sedang memusnahkn kitchenette mereka.

Friday, December 5, 2008


well, i entered a futsal tournament.

my team is AEDians 2.(name skema)

there r AEDians 1 n 2.

AEDians 1 consist of nell,keyna,ono,aida,echah,hajar n sonia.

AEDians 2 consist of me,anis,dila,nana,jannah n ika.

we admit we're not tht good.


playing for fun.

other teams r not tht bad tho.

we lost 1-0 in the first match. (kalah sbb mule2 blur xphm rules)

i cant recall the opponents name.kickers mayb.

huhu nvrmd.

there r quite a number of teams.

aedians 1, aedians 2, indierock, kickers, sepakan merah berapi,kembang semangkuk,sukasuka,sassy girls,victory n others whom i cant remember their names.

our team got a lot of ties.

we won 1-0 with indierock(bkn sng ouh indierock main kasar gle) n 3-0 with sassy girls.

ok la.

wlupown main tah pape.

we got the 4th place.

dila n anis xhbs2 ngan aed cheer diorg.

huhu mmg best la.

team2 aed mmg sgt bising.

nseb xkne compund 4 causing public disturbances.


go AED!

give me an A!
give me an E!
give a D!
wht does it spell?

ape yg penting?
ape yg penting?
(which anis tuka KERJA ADA!)
(n dila tuka KERJA XSIAP!)
(sbb time tuh nga bz ngan assignment ies n design proposals utk kitchenette)

huhu :D
wht team?

Friday, November 28, 2008

3d calendar

ermm, 1st project 4 the 2nd sem, we r required to make a 3d origami calendar.
stelah pnt memerah otak nk pk design yg best, akhirnya siap gak projekkuh ni.
2 mlm xtdo. even though design tah pape. syukur la siap on time.
malangnye studio master kami bro zul mc.
bwat operation mata.
agk2 2 bln kot mc.
ksian kitorg.
pas2 mdm rabeah ganti.
tp skejap jek.
die lak nk amek study leave.
tinggallah kami bagai kucing terbiar skali lg.
pasni ade mdm/bro br ganti.
part timer.
ssh sket la.
sbb consultation hrs limited.
tgk jela cmne nti.

hmm utk 1st project.
kne plh satu corporate company utk represent.
gwe amek tnb.
bkn ape sbb time weekends yg digunakn utk mencari ilham tuh gwe ade family vacation kat banglo tnb kat penang.
"aha bwat psl tnb jela"
sng xyh beratkn otak nk cr company lain.
da la dis time xley gne glue.
pndai2 la selit2.
nseb baik ok wlupown xseberape nk kemas.

time presentation tuh agak gabra la gak.
yela sbb calendar gwe agak2 cm oversize jek.
eish mule2 da ok da.
pas2 terslh bajet.
truskn jela.
da la pndg skali bntk die cm tong smpah.
tgk bdk2 studio punye design hebat2.
terasa inferior lak.
tgk design org lain cntik2.
xpe truskn usaha anda.

k gwe nk g truskn mncr info utk assignment environmental science.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Aishah college

1st day in AC. I have to accept the fact tht I am gonna stay in AC.

After picking up the room keys, I brought my stuff upstairs. Room 401. Fuhh pnt naik tangga. when I got to my room, Dila n Anis was already there. I got the top bunk. I put all my stuff there n say goodbye to my parents. We share our room with 3 seniors. We've already booked roomates n we are suppossed to get the same room as my former roommates. But unfortunately we don't. Wht a BUMMER.

I looked around. The room is fine. there's no mirror. Luckily Anis brought her face mirror. The lockers r small n I 1st thought tht my locker is gonna collapse. The study tables r ok. But the side tables r too old to exist. And then we decided 2 take a look at the toilets. omg. worse then most public toilets. Eeww, major turn off.

Tht evening we took a bath. When I checked the shower, uhh xde air. Checked another one. Xde air lg. darn. last2 mndi kat jamban jela. siot btol.heee.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

result 1st sem

Hye. 1st time writing a blog. Today i got th result 4 my 1st sem. I got 3.061. Not really tht bad. Ok la. Environmental design 1 n graphic communication dpt b. Which is alrite. English, math n stats n understanding islam dpt b+.
Kinda surprising when i got b+ in maths tho. Yela jwb tah pape jek. Especially th mechanics part. Haha. 11 marks for tht 1 ques. I'm not really good in maths or whtever subjects that involves NUMBERS N CALCULATION. Errgh. Not really my cup of tea. But i did my best n i'm ok with it. ECONS.c+. Haha. As expected. Study gile babeng econs but still got a c+. Nvmnd. At least there's no need 2 repeat.

Getting ready 4 next sem. The torture sem. Getting ready for environmental design 2. Subject xtido!
Better get ready for 'no sleep days'. It's back. N worse. Projects r gonna b bigger n more exhausting!
Noooo! There are more theory subjects 4 next sem. English, built environment, environmental science, n basic themes of Al-Quran. Good thing I exempted computer. Or I would hav to add another theory subject 4 another sem of torture. My brain is all blahs. Nothing. Not used 2 studying anymore. Yela 4 th 1st sem there's no need to use the brain tht much. We jst design, draw, colour, trace, draw, colour, build models, build models, build models. N for most of our designs we got 'X's' from bro zul FOC. Big 'X's'. Terrible, horrible, disaster, join the club! Tht's wht u can always hear from him. Yeah we know our designs r sometimes lame. Haha. Well at least he gave us new ideas.

N another thing to NOT LOOK FORWARD TO 4 next sem is WE'RE MOVING TO AISYAH COLLEGE! Wht the fish?! KC is going to b painted n renovated. Aishah college. Not really a fancy place to move into. Well KC is not tht beautiful or remarkable either.
But I love KC. Are'nt KC lovable oh all former KC residents? Yeah we all love KC. Even though it's a creepy former hosp n not much of a beauty, it's ok. There r th grand lifts tht we love (yes nice newly renovated lift). We love the lifts don't we? N there r NONE in AC! Oh no! We hav to take the STAIRS! Plus we r given new rooms. My roomates n I r going to b separated. Darn. and I love the view from my KC room. We can see the sun sets everyday. N wht can we see from AC? The traffic? kfc? N AC is not tht high. Not like KC. But wht can I do. I'm not the dean of cfsiium. Oh well, better get ready 4 the 2nd sem!