Saturday, November 21, 2009

portfolio day.

portfolio day.
the most important day for our projects.
all the projects will be displayed in the studio.
kaed lecturers will check them one by one.

the studio was cleaned n decorated for this day.
everyone must wear formal attires.
refreshments must be prepared.
everything must me perfect.

during the portfolio day, a few students will be called to explain about their projects.
n guess wht, i'm one of them.
we didn't get tht much sleep for the last few days n my mind was jst one big blur.
nervous as hell.
i got mdm zaza as the lecturer tht has to hear the babblings about my project.
luckily it went well.
a few comments from mdm zaza but it was ok i guess.

the portfolio day almost seems like a jamuan hari raya for us.
even though raya had passed.
yeah we didn't quite enjoy raya this year.
this was kind of the time to have fun.
after all the exhausting projects n sleepless nights.
the finals r not really a burden to us.
we dont hav tht much ppr.
no projects means there's a lot of free time although we also have to study for the finals.
i guess the time for us to party is during the exam wik.
because i felt so free.
i saw all my friends from the other courses studying like mad.
i had fun most of the time :D

yeah, this is where we hang out on presentation days.
outside the studio.

portfolio day.studiomates + our studio masters.

gc portfolio.

project 3 and 4.

dah lame xupdate blog.
aku xtaw nk tulis ape.
kat sni aku tulis jela psl last n 2nd last projek aku.

project 3 - living cube.

kne design bilik dlm space 3m *3m *3m.
target user : primary school kids.
subject matter : reticulated python.

ni projek interior.
yg xbestnye kne siapkn time cuti raye aritu.
mmg xraye sakan la.
mlm raye pown mengadap mende nih.
bkn model je masalahnye.
pres board byk gle kne siapkn.

pengorbanan utk projek ni.

-time (hari2 tgk mende ni jek)
- raye ( xbest lgsg raye sbb bz)
- 12 boards utk pres board.
- mockup board, kertas warna, plastik, dll brg2 yg diperlukn utk model.
-1 helai turtleneck yg dah xpkai sgt (gne utk bwat sofa)
- perspek (kne tempah kat luar n then xmuat nk msuk model pn. nseb baik stelah beberapa adjusment blh jugak akhirnya wlupown measurement lari sket.)

mmg terhakis dgn mudahnye la duit time2 nih.
pastu resultnye xdela mmberangsangkn sgt.
tp kire ok la.
ni je satu2 nye projek yg complete sume time presentation.
wlupown design bilik tuh da byk sgt ubah smpai da xjd mcm kids punye room.
jd teenagers punye.


project 4 - educational toy

utk last projek kne bwat educational toys. target user aku 3 to 4 years old.
utk projek nih kne msok workshop.
sbb model gune kayu.
1st time la aku msok workshop kat sni.
tp kje workshop mmg best.

yg xbestnye sbb aku xsmpat siapkn sume requirements utk submission n presentation.
time nih sume da penat gle da.
berhari2 msok workshop.
mlm tdo kat surau kaed jek.
tu pown klu smpt tdo.
bajet utk projek ni pown agk byk yg tlh dilabur.
tp xseteruk wire jewelry la.

concept aku construction n sorting.
design castle.
kids blh build castle tu dlu n then main dgn shape sorters.
nmpk cm sng jek time tgh pgg pensel.
bila da start bwat br prasan design aku tuh simple jek tp byk parts yg kne potong.
so msok workshop awl tp siap lmbt la jdnye.
nseb baik ade la gak rupe bile da siap.
wlupown xsiap spenuhnye.
board2 jgn cite la.
mmg xsmpat siap pown.
tu pown da extend 1 wik dr due date yg spatutnye.
klu x jgn harapla.
packaging produk pown aku xsmpt bwat.

projek ni best sbb dpt tgk mcm2 jenis produk.
studio tuh rase cm tmpat main plak.
byk toys yg menarik.

tp time presentation lg skali aku kne hentam.
xdela kne hemtam teruk.
sbb design aku skali lg terlalu matured utk kids 3-4 yrs old.
tp xpela.
yg lain xde masalah sgt.

potong kayu potong kayu.

gam kayu gam kayu.

lpas dah habis sume br aku prasan aku xde amek close-up pic utk produk nih.
castle aku tuu yg kat blakang kaler ijau tuh.

result utk last project nih xtaw brape.
tp surely xfail la bro ckp.
jst risau sbb studio 6 credit hours.
byk tuh.
klu kantoi mmg habis pointer.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

too late for tears.

Death knocked on

A bedroom door.

“Who is there?”

The sleeping one cried.

“I’m Angel Izrael, let me inside.”

At once, the man began to shiver

as one sweating in deadly fever.

He shouted to his wife,

“Don’t let the Angel take my life.”

“O angel of death,

I’m not ready yet.

My family, on me depend,

Give me a chance,

To go back and mend.”

The Angel knocked again.

“O man,

It’s your soul that I require,

I come not with my own desire.”

Bewildered, the man began to cry:

“O Angel, I’m so afraid to die.”

“Let me remain here as your slave,

don’t send me to the grave.”

“Let me in, O man,” the Angel said.

“Open the door,

get up from your bed,

you can’t stop me from coming in,

Angels can go through objects,

thick and thin.

The man held a gun in his right hand,

ready to defy the Angel’s stand.

“I’ll point my gun towards your head,

you dare come in – I’ll shoot you dead.

By now, the Angel was in the room,

saying, “O man, prepare for your doom,

foolish man – Angels never die,

put down your gun and do not sigh.

Why are you afraid – tell me O man –

to die according to Allah’s plan?”

“O Angel, I bow my head in shame,

I had no time to remember Allah’s name.

From dawn till dusk, I made my wealth,

not even caring for my spiritual health.

Allah’s commands I never obeyed,

nor five times a day I ever prayed.

A Ramadhan came and

a Ramadhan went,

but no time had I to repent.

The Hajj was already obligatory upon me,

but I would not part with my money.

All charities I did ignore,

taking usury more and more.

Sometimes I sipped my favourite wine,

with flirting women I sat to dine.

O Angel I appeal to you,

spare my life for a year or two.

The laws of the Quran, I will obey,

I’ll began Salat – this very day.

My fast and Hajj I will complete,

and keep away from self-conceit.

I will refrain from usury

and give all my wealth to charity.

wine and unlawful women,

I will detest,

Allah’s oneness I will attest.”

“We angels do what Allah demands,

we cannot go against His commands.

Death is ordained for everyone –

father, mother, daughter and son.

I’m afraid, this moment is your last,

now be reminded of your past.

I do understand your fears,

but it is now too late for tears.

You lived in this world,

two score or more,

your parents you did not obey,

hungry beggars, you turned away.

Your two ill-mannered, female offspring,

in nightclubs, for livelihood they sing.

Instead of making more Muslims,

you made your children non-Muslims.

You ignored the Adhan (call to prayer)

nor did you recite The Holy Quran.

breaking promises all your life,

backbiting friends and causing strife.

from hoarded goods,

great profits you made,

and your poor workers –

you underpaid.

Horses and cards were your leisure,

money-making was your pleasure.

You ate and ate,

and grew more fat,

with the very sick, you never sat.

A little donation, you never gave,

yhat could be a little baby saved.

You thought

you’re clever and strong,

But O man,

you’ve done enough wrong.

Paradise for you? I cannot tell,

the disbelievers will dwell in hell.

There is no time for you to repent,

I’ll take your soul for which I am sent.”

Adapted by Dr Y Mansoor Merican, Ph. D

from “Operation Death” by G.H.E. Vanker