Friday, December 11, 2009

2nd sem starts now.

it has been a week since the 2nd sem starts.
n there are already piles of work to do.
the projects have started.
the holidays are too short.

still staying in the same room in nusaibah.

subjects to be taken this sem :

- aad studio
- community project
- computer graphic design
- photomedia
- history of islamic arts
- the islamic worldview
- bahasa melayu untuk kerjaya
- tilawah 2
- halaqah 2

ok i have to do some research for the presentations next week.
3 presentations.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


during our exam week, me,anis,dila,jannah,faiz,azhar,mondok n zul went to ou to hav some fun.
yeah during the exam week. we finally met jannah which i haven't met since i went off to gombak.

we went to cfs pj first to take our muet slips then off to ou. we watched 2012 n it was great. then we went bowling. after tht jannah n anis went for window shopping n tht leaves the rest of us playing pool. we were not tht good. doing something u're not good at was hilarious.especially when all of us sucked.except for azhar kot (heh).

then we said gdbye to the boys n i sent jannah home. after tht we went to kunangkunang. ate some dinner n lepak until it was like 11.45 pm. luckily the pak guard didn't stop us at the gate or i'll get another compund. we were so exhausted n we cancelled movie night. at the end of the day i just wanna take a ahower n has been a great day tho.

here are some of the pics. :D

Saturday, November 21, 2009

portfolio day.

portfolio day.
the most important day for our projects.
all the projects will be displayed in the studio.
kaed lecturers will check them one by one.

the studio was cleaned n decorated for this day.
everyone must wear formal attires.
refreshments must be prepared.
everything must me perfect.

during the portfolio day, a few students will be called to explain about their projects.
n guess wht, i'm one of them.
we didn't get tht much sleep for the last few days n my mind was jst one big blur.
nervous as hell.
i got mdm zaza as the lecturer tht has to hear the babblings about my project.
luckily it went well.
a few comments from mdm zaza but it was ok i guess.

the portfolio day almost seems like a jamuan hari raya for us.
even though raya had passed.
yeah we didn't quite enjoy raya this year.
this was kind of the time to have fun.
after all the exhausting projects n sleepless nights.
the finals r not really a burden to us.
we dont hav tht much ppr.
no projects means there's a lot of free time although we also have to study for the finals.
i guess the time for us to party is during the exam wik.
because i felt so free.
i saw all my friends from the other courses studying like mad.
i had fun most of the time :D

yeah, this is where we hang out on presentation days.
outside the studio.

portfolio day.studiomates + our studio masters.

gc portfolio.

project 3 and 4.

dah lame xupdate blog.
aku xtaw nk tulis ape.
kat sni aku tulis jela psl last n 2nd last projek aku.

project 3 - living cube.

kne design bilik dlm space 3m *3m *3m.
target user : primary school kids.
subject matter : reticulated python.

ni projek interior.
yg xbestnye kne siapkn time cuti raye aritu.
mmg xraye sakan la.
mlm raye pown mengadap mende nih.
bkn model je masalahnye.
pres board byk gle kne siapkn.

pengorbanan utk projek ni.

-time (hari2 tgk mende ni jek)
- raye ( xbest lgsg raye sbb bz)
- 12 boards utk pres board.
- mockup board, kertas warna, plastik, dll brg2 yg diperlukn utk model.
-1 helai turtleneck yg dah xpkai sgt (gne utk bwat sofa)
- perspek (kne tempah kat luar n then xmuat nk msuk model pn. nseb baik stelah beberapa adjusment blh jugak akhirnya wlupown measurement lari sket.)

mmg terhakis dgn mudahnye la duit time2 nih.
pastu resultnye xdela mmberangsangkn sgt.
tp kire ok la.
ni je satu2 nye projek yg complete sume time presentation.
wlupown design bilik tuh da byk sgt ubah smpai da xjd mcm kids punye room.
jd teenagers punye.


project 4 - educational toy

utk last projek kne bwat educational toys. target user aku 3 to 4 years old.
utk projek nih kne msok workshop.
sbb model gune kayu.
1st time la aku msok workshop kat sni.
tp kje workshop mmg best.

yg xbestnye sbb aku xsmpat siapkn sume requirements utk submission n presentation.
time nih sume da penat gle da.
berhari2 msok workshop.
mlm tdo kat surau kaed jek.
tu pown klu smpt tdo.
bajet utk projek ni pown agk byk yg tlh dilabur.
tp xseteruk wire jewelry la.

concept aku construction n sorting.
design castle.
kids blh build castle tu dlu n then main dgn shape sorters.
nmpk cm sng jek time tgh pgg pensel.
bila da start bwat br prasan design aku tuh simple jek tp byk parts yg kne potong.
so msok workshop awl tp siap lmbt la jdnye.
nseb baik ade la gak rupe bile da siap.
wlupown xsiap spenuhnye.
board2 jgn cite la.
mmg xsmpat siap pown.
tu pown da extend 1 wik dr due date yg spatutnye.
klu x jgn harapla.
packaging produk pown aku xsmpt bwat.

projek ni best sbb dpt tgk mcm2 jenis produk.
studio tuh rase cm tmpat main plak.
byk toys yg menarik.

tp time presentation lg skali aku kne hentam.
xdela kne hemtam teruk.
sbb design aku skali lg terlalu matured utk kids 3-4 yrs old.
tp xpela.
yg lain xde masalah sgt.

potong kayu potong kayu.

gam kayu gam kayu.

lpas dah habis sume br aku prasan aku xde amek close-up pic utk produk nih.
castle aku tuu yg kat blakang kaler ijau tuh.

result utk last project nih xtaw brape.
tp surely xfail la bro ckp.
jst risau sbb studio 6 credit hours.
byk tuh.
klu kantoi mmg habis pointer.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

too late for tears.

Death knocked on

A bedroom door.

“Who is there?”

The sleeping one cried.

“I’m Angel Izrael, let me inside.”

At once, the man began to shiver

as one sweating in deadly fever.

He shouted to his wife,

“Don’t let the Angel take my life.”

“O angel of death,

I’m not ready yet.

My family, on me depend,

Give me a chance,

To go back and mend.”

The Angel knocked again.

“O man,

It’s your soul that I require,

I come not with my own desire.”

Bewildered, the man began to cry:

“O Angel, I’m so afraid to die.”

“Let me remain here as your slave,

don’t send me to the grave.”

“Let me in, O man,” the Angel said.

“Open the door,

get up from your bed,

you can’t stop me from coming in,

Angels can go through objects,

thick and thin.

The man held a gun in his right hand,

ready to defy the Angel’s stand.

“I’ll point my gun towards your head,

you dare come in – I’ll shoot you dead.

By now, the Angel was in the room,

saying, “O man, prepare for your doom,

foolish man – Angels never die,

put down your gun and do not sigh.

Why are you afraid – tell me O man –

to die according to Allah’s plan?”

“O Angel, I bow my head in shame,

I had no time to remember Allah’s name.

From dawn till dusk, I made my wealth,

not even caring for my spiritual health.

Allah’s commands I never obeyed,

nor five times a day I ever prayed.

A Ramadhan came and

a Ramadhan went,

but no time had I to repent.

The Hajj was already obligatory upon me,

but I would not part with my money.

All charities I did ignore,

taking usury more and more.

Sometimes I sipped my favourite wine,

with flirting women I sat to dine.

O Angel I appeal to you,

spare my life for a year or two.

The laws of the Quran, I will obey,

I’ll began Salat – this very day.

My fast and Hajj I will complete,

and keep away from self-conceit.

I will refrain from usury

and give all my wealth to charity.

wine and unlawful women,

I will detest,

Allah’s oneness I will attest.”

“We angels do what Allah demands,

we cannot go against His commands.

Death is ordained for everyone –

father, mother, daughter and son.

I’m afraid, this moment is your last,

now be reminded of your past.

I do understand your fears,

but it is now too late for tears.

You lived in this world,

two score or more,

your parents you did not obey,

hungry beggars, you turned away.

Your two ill-mannered, female offspring,

in nightclubs, for livelihood they sing.

Instead of making more Muslims,

you made your children non-Muslims.

You ignored the Adhan (call to prayer)

nor did you recite The Holy Quran.

breaking promises all your life,

backbiting friends and causing strife.

from hoarded goods,

great profits you made,

and your poor workers –

you underpaid.

Horses and cards were your leisure,

money-making was your pleasure.

You ate and ate,

and grew more fat,

with the very sick, you never sat.

A little donation, you never gave,

yhat could be a little baby saved.

You thought

you’re clever and strong,

But O man,

you’ve done enough wrong.

Paradise for you? I cannot tell,

the disbelievers will dwell in hell.

There is no time for you to repent,

I’ll take your soul for which I am sent.”

Adapted by Dr Y Mansoor Merican, Ph. D

from “Operation Death” by G.H.E. Vanker

Friday, October 2, 2009


disebabkn aku xtaw kpd sape aku nk meluahkn perasaan nih, so aku tls jela kat sni.

hari ni pttnye kne pre-reg utk nex sem.
tp bile aku nk log in kne block.
padahal aku da settle fees lame dah.
aku g finance, die kate kne kasi resit payment.
aku da la de studio time tuh.
nseb baik smpt consult ngan bro.
then g print resit n bg kat finance bodo tuh.
tgk2 mlm tuh nk log in still kne block.
%&^&^$ btol.
cmne aku nk register.
menyusahkn aku.
padahal aku da byr sume fees.
nk kne ulang alik dr finance department n kaed.
ingt dekat ke.
slalunye aku saba jek.
tp hari nih rase cm nk tekelua lak sume bende dlm benakku nih.
psl thn lepas, bulan lepas, minggu lepas, haritu, smalam, harini, esok.
termasuk bende2 yg tak berkaitan.
mayb sbb lame sgt da aku xkluarkn pe yg aku rase.
skarang aku pown da xtaw pe aku tls.

kesimpulannye management uia mmg @#$%.
sume bajet bagos.

sekian, wassalam.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

selamat hari raya.

slamat hari raya aidilfitri everyone.
hope ur ramadan had not been in vain.
hope u manage to grasp the hikmah of lailatul qadar.
i wanna apologize if i ever did anything wrong.
intentionally or unintentionally.
sorry if i did or said anything tht hurts anyone.
i didnt meant to.
so happy Eid n hope ur aidilfitri brings joy and happiness.

Friday, September 18, 2009

17th Sept

hari ni buka puase dgn faz n lily.

dpt jugak jmpe diorg stelah sekian lame xjmpe.
2 kali aku pegi alam hari ni.
pagi pegi nk bli brg then tserempak ngan faz n 'kwn' die :P
then g reject shop jmpe abg khus borak2.
yela kat reject shop tuh spe lg jek yg tggl.
borak2 dlm dkt 45 minit.

ptg tuh bukak puase ngan abg khus n kak as.
lily pown join je.
mmbe2 reject shop yg lain sume da kne book.
xdpt la bukak puase skali.

pas bukak puase ingt trus nk g msjd besi solat isyak n tarawih.
tp kerana insiden kad jahanam tuh, xsmpt isyak.
tarawih pown tetinggal 2 rakaat.

kesayangan * aku sdg memegang kad jahanam

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

when i fall, i fall hard.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

streaming down memory lane.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

you know you're an archi student when

- you analyze everything as if it were a building.
- concept of time is not forward, but a countdown from the time a project is due ("What time is it?""4 hours 'till").
- you slice your finger, and the first thing you think of is if you'll be able to finish your model. and if it's presentable.
- you say "It's only midnight- I have plenty of time to finish."
- you confuse sunrise with sunset.
- you're not ashamed of drooling in class anymore.
- The idea that you have a room to live in outside of studio is just a myth.
- you hear "Didn't you wear that yesterday?' followed by "and the day before that?"
- you room mate files a 'Missing Person Report.'
- someone asks you for your phone number and you give them the studio's.
- You draw perspectives of your friends room on your Japanese homework just for the fun of it.
- Whenever you finish a project and don't have any studio work to do, you are constantly wondering why you aren't in studio working
- You buy trace paper in mass quantities.
- You understand what 4B, 2B, B, HB, H, 2H, and 4H are and have lots of each type.
- Your idea of splurging on yourself is buying another circle template (or other miscellaneous template).
- You put a scale under everything you draw so that people know how big it is.
- The biggest decision you have to make near the end of the term is "pencil, or ink?"
- You always have a supply of bandaids around for xacto knife cuts.
- You have a 30, 60, 90 and a 45, 45, 90 degree triangle. Or two. Or three. Or more.
- You keep around adjustable triangles too just in case.
- You start replacing pictures of your friends and family with pictures of buildings.
- You never have enough wall space to pin things up.
- your idea of relaxing is going to your core curriculum classes
- You always have a supply of portable and non perishable food.
- You can go for days without sunlight. (You go to class in the dark, you come home in the dark).
- You put up everything on your walls with drafting tape.
- Push pins become a valuable commodity.
- on Halloween you trick-or-treat in studio to get arch supplies or 'Red Bull.'
- Computers are known only as the white box of death. (They keep crashing on you).
- you can live without human contact, food or daylight, but if you can't print, it's chaos.
- Pencil smudges and ink smears are the bane of your existence.
- You start competing with each other for number of hours without sleep.
- redbull, coffee and cokes are tools, not treats.
- Your four basic food groups are candy, caffeine, coffee, and pretzels.
- Time spent with friends must be scheduled way in advance.
- you've slept more than 20 hours non-stop in a single weekend.
- you've listened to all your CDs/itunes
- you lose your house keys for a week, and you don't even notice.
- Days don't exist anymore, everything is based on number of hours of work.
- you've used an entire role of film to photograph the sidewalk.
- you take notes and messages with a rapidograph and colour markers.
- your parents have more of a social life than you.
- you're dating another architecture student.
- your friends get more sleep in one night than you do in one week.
- you know all the 24-hour food places in the area.
- you consider 3AM an early night.
- "scoring" involves an X-Acto blade
- you've got more photos of buildings than of actual people.
- you've taken your girlfriend on a date to a construction site.
- you've ever dreamt about your models.
- you start putting the address of your site down as your own
- upon hearing 'supermodel', you think of a nicely crafted-foam core model.
- when you are being shown pictures of a trip, you ask what the human scale is.
- you start wearing all black.
- you have no life, and admit it.
- you refer to outside studio as the "Real World."
- you can use Photoshop, Illustrator, Form-Z, AutoCAD, 3dstudio max, Indesign, and make a web page, but you don't know how to use Excel.
- you refer to great architects (dead or alive) by the first name as if you knew them. (Frank, Corbu, Mies, Norman...).
- you buy 50-dollar magazines that you haven't read yet.
- when someone offers you a BIC pen, you feel offended.
- all of the Christmas gifts you give are wrapped in trace.
- you ask Santa Clause for architecture supplies.
- Everytime you tell someone what your Major is they just look at you and say, "I'm sorry."
- you CELEBRATE space and OBSERVE your birthday.
- you think it's possible to CREATE space.
- you fight with inanimate objects.
- you've fallen asleep in the school bathroom while brushing your teeth there.
- you know the exact time the vending machines are refilled.
- you always carry your deodorant.
- when you try to communicate, you make a continuous and monotonous whine.
- you've danced YMCA (a fav clubdance number) with excellent choreography at 3 am and without a single drop of alcohol in your body.
- you see holidays only as extra sleeping time.
- you know the janitors by name.
- your roommates say "good morning," and you reply "good night."
- you start paying rent for your desk space in studio.
- you can't get a ride from 'Blacksburg Transit'. (ends at 2:45am)
- 'Red Bull' is you favorite drink.
- after all of your expenses, you can't afford to pay attention
- you have 3 or more cups of double shot coffee espressos in one night
- you hear the same song on the radio 3 or more times in one night.
- the only sleep you get is in your core classes.
- you spend more time in the studio than in your own bed.
- your parents are complaining that you're not having enough fun.
- you only leave studio to buy supplies.
- you see showering as a waste of time.
- you enjoy hanging out at 'Home Depot'.
- everything you eat comes in single serving baggies.
- the idea of a 24 hour 'Kinko's' make's perfect sense.
- you're out on Friday nights in the studio.
- the only building on campus with its lights on is your studios'.
- a break consists of moving your car.
- you receive mail in studio.
- you strangle your roommate because he said he stayed up late studying.
- you've memorized you favorite vending machine combination item.
- your Friday night is 68 hours long.
- you know how much a cubic foot of concrete weighs (150lbs).
- you understand why architects have glasses and white hair.
- you swear there are only 120 people at VT.
- you can conceptually compose the food on your plate.
- you have to wait for breakfast shops to open.
- you go to the cafe, and order the "usual", and they understand.
- you use architecture tools to eat.
- you think "X-Acto Blade Throwing" is a sport.
- you only buy groceries once a month.
- you wake up to go to school and you're already there.
- you start to critique a radio selection's selection of songs.
- you bring your friends to the studio to keep you company.
- you have memorized every radio commercial that airs after 10PM.
- you confuse today and tomorrow.
- you tell time by when other people leave the studio.
- you can write your thesis paper by procrastinating.
- you count the number of days (not hours) you've been awake.
- Homecoming" happens once a week.
- on Halloween, you dress like your instructors.
- you see your own picture on a milk carton.
- you start using words your instructor uses.
- you contemplate suicide 3 times a day.
- you contemplate dropping your major 3 times a day.
- you have a tent pitched in the studio, but still don't go to sleep.
- You wear your USB Drive around your neck
- The trunk of your car contains wood glue, a backup roll of trace, and a blanket... just in case.
- You daydream about the euphoric feeling of an ultra soft drafting brush on bare skin
- You are constantly picking drafting dots off the bottom of your shoes
- You think of "You know you're an Architecture student when..." lines in the studio at 2 a.m.
- You realize that when someone is talking about French Curves they aren't talking about the girl they met over Spring Break.
- Your roommate acts surprised if you're ever in your apartment
- When asked what day it is you have no idea, but always know how long until a project is due.
- You use your alarm to tell you when to go to sleep.
- You know what Tacky Glue tastes like.
- You avoid eating, sleeping, or going to the hospital because you need to finish a model.
- All of your teachers wear black n only black.
- When asked if you like the Guggenheim you reply Which one?
- You have an ample supply of B HB H & F and know the difference between them.
- You think mechanical pencils are for sissies.
- You use Soda as a tool, not a treat.
- You've never seen the other side of campus.
- You have listened to every song on your iPod within two days.
- You go to class to be marked present and then sleep until the lecture is over.
- Telling your teacher your major actually gets you excused from work.
- Your entire life savings was spent at Mish Mish during your first week of freshman year, since then you've just been getting deeper and deeper in debt.
- You know who Heath Hart is and you LOVE him.
- You are a "fourth year," not a senior cause you definitely aren't graduating any time soon.
- You know how to silk screen your own t-shirts.
- You know how awesome those black sketch books made of recycled paper are.
- You have waited three hours in the middle of the night during competition week to print out a project, just to realize the damn plotter is spazzing out and there's no one to fix it until the next day.
- You've heard of the all powerful "Andy," but never actually SEEN him.
- You know that professors aren't required to come to class, ever.
- You've memorized the date and epoch, location, architect, and name of 95 buildings the night before Breitschmid's final, just to forget all of it the second you walk out of Hancock.
- Professors are always called by their first names.