Sunday, April 11, 2010

2nd semester projects.

the first project for the 2nd semester is the conservation design project. contemporary islamic collection. we were supposed to design a contemporary product that come in series of 3 with islamic elements. i chose to design a sewing kit storage collection called the 'triple stitch'. this was so far my favourite. the subject matter is the triangle shape in the islamic pattern n the target users are tailors, housewives n everyone who sews. Why do I chose to make a sewing kit collection? Because believe it or not I happen to like sewing.

scissors n pen caddy

needle case

thread holder

sewing kit storage collection


the 2nd project during the semester is the industrial design project. we were to design a chair made up of corrugated boards. and no glue is allowed. and can be sit upon. the subject matter for my corrugated chair is water lily and the target user is teenagers. the name of the chair is Lili. Why do i chose to make this kine of chair? Err, I'm not sure it just came out in one of my sketches.

the Lili chair


the 3rd and last project is the interior design project. this project is important for me because i wanted to major in interior design. we were to design an exhibition stand for a company of our choice in a 3m x 3m x 4.5m space. we were divided into three groups. the arts n crafts, information and research & development. i was in the R&D group n i chose to design an exhibition stand for the Malaysian Dental Association. Why do I chose to make an exhibition stand for the Malaysian Dental Association? Because I used to want to be a dentist but I guess it's just not my destiny and now I'm a designer! wohoo!

after a while.

it has bee such a long time since i last wrote.i've been busy with the projects n all.
n now it's the holidays.i have time to write again.

this 2nd semester is so far the hardest, n is a life-changing period. and i'm not only talking about the studies. a lot has happened. i started knowing ppl better,n able to know myself better.
i havent write in a long time n now i have so much to say i dunno where to start. the projects are tougher. n there was the streamlining process. i got into interior design.alhamdulillah.
there were ppl around me. they started to play a huge role in my life.which was not so significant before. i realized a lot of things. the bubbles around me started to pop.

i got tested with so many things. in every aspects. i've tossed n turned n still havent yet found the answers. the answers to all the questions in my head. n then new questions started developing. leaving all the old questions behind unsolved. i'm trying to put all the pieces together. 'where do i stand?', 'what role do i play?', 'where should i go?', 'what should i do?', 'why am i here?' and a zillion more questions keep popping in my mind.

all the insignificant things before became clearer n i realized there's a lot more than what the eyes can see.